Camden, slightly bigger and better known than its twin town, Rockport, may well be exactly what you see in your mind when think of Maine. Flanked by gentle mountains on one side and a picturesque harbor on the other, Camden is perfectly situated. Hollywood agrees: Camden has been the setting for dozens of movies, and a smattering of actors and actresses call it home.
Looking for a little guidance as you walk around Camden’s streets? The Camden-Rockport Historical Society has published a pamphlet that gives information on more than 50 significant historical sites in Camden and Rockport. You’ll need a car if you want to cover it all, but hefty chunks can be seen by foot.
Travel Tips
Just five minutes out of town, Mt. Battie towers over civilization, offering breathtaking views of Camden, Rockport and their harbors. Edna St. Vincent Millay was so inspired she wrote a poem about it, called “Renascence”; a bronze plaque marks the spot where it came to her. The mountain is in Camden Hills State Park (Belfast Road, Route 1), and there’s a small fee to enter.
Travel Information
Directions: Head north on I-295 for 11 miles. Take exit 17 for US-1N toward Yarmouth. Follow US-1N for about 50 miles. Turn left at Camden Road/ME-90E and follow the road about 11 miles into town.
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